Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes

Chateaubriand in herby brown butter

Lee Cadden HG Walter
By HG Walter & Lee Cadden

A melt-in-the-mouth tender and delicately flavoured section of the fillet

  • Grilling
  • Classic


Remove the chateaubriand from the fridge at least 30 minutes before cooking. This will help ensure an even cook throughout the meat. It will also shock the meat less, resulting in a more tender steak.

Set up your EGG for direct cooking with a Cast Iron Searing Grid in place. Your target temperature is 200°C.

Season the beef all over with salt.

Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes


Place a skillet on the grid and wait for it to heat up – the pan should start to smoke slightly.

Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan. After a second or two, add the steak. Keep the steak moving in the pan to insure even colouring all over. Try to roll it rather than flipping it. Be careful, as the open EGG is likely to flare up every now and then, especially if a few splashes of oil hit the coals.

Once you have an even colour all over the steak, close the EGG. Cook for a total of about 8-10 minutes, until the steak reaches an internal temperature of 48°C.

Remove the steak from the pan and set the pan aside to cool slightly. This is to prevent the butter from burning while you baste.

Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes](


After a minute or so, the pan will be cool enough to add a few generous knobs of butter along with some crushed garlic cloves and herbs (thyme and rosemary work best). Once the butter has melted and started to foam, add the steak back in and spoon over the foaming butter. Do this for about 60-90 seconds, but no longer – you don’t want to overcook the fillet.

Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes Chateaubriand in herby brown butter | HG Walter Big Green Egg Steak Box | Grilling | Beef recipes

Remove from the EGG and rest for around 5 minutes before serving. While the steak rests it will continue to cook, eventually reaching a core temperature of about 55°C for a perfectly rare chateaubriand.