Roast wild sea bass
Grilled new potatoes
Grilled slaw
The centrepiece for this recipe is a magnificent line-caught wild sea bass from our friends at Wright Brothers. By using the EGGspander system, you can cook the fish and both of the side dishes on the EGG at the same time, allowing them all to benefit from the flavour-enhancing qualities of the EGG’s heat and smoke. The main modes you’ll be using are grilling and roasting, but you’ll be steaming the fish for a while as well. As befits such a regal fish, though, you won’t be steaming it in anything as mundane as water – you’ll be using champagne! Quality, through and through.
This recipe is designed for Large and XL owners who have an EGGspander System, a helpful accessory that allows you to cook or reheat several dishes at once, as well as cooking directly and indirectly simultaneously.
If you own a different-sized EGG or are not in possession of an EGGspander, you can of course cook all the elements one at a time. If easier, you can find the individual recipes on our main recipe page or by clicking the links above.
Slice the lemon into rounds and roughly chop your fennel stems and fronds. Place 3-4 lemon slices inside the fish, along with some fennel fronds. Season the cavity with olive oil, salt and pepper. On the top and bottom side of the fish, make 3-4 slashes 5mm in depth, aligned with the side of the fish. Rub the fish all over with olive oil.

With all ingredients at room temperature, whisk the egg yolks in a bowl, add the Dijon mustard then the vinegar. Season with a good pinch each of salt and pepper and the lemon juice. Combine the olive oil with 150ml rapeseed oil, then add this oil drop by drop to the bowl, while vigorously whisking. Make sure each bit of oil has been thoroughly mixed before adding the next. The mayo will now start to thicken.
With a good knife, halve your carrots, leek and asparagus lengthways, then quarter your fennel bulbs.

Burp your EGG and place down your bed of fennel stems and fronds on the half moon stainless steel grid then place the sea bass on top. Place more fennel fronds into the incisions you have made and arrange the remaining lemon slices on top of the fish. Close the EGG and roast for 15 minutes.

Toss your potatoes with some rapeseed oil and the thyme leaves and place on the griddle, then close your EGG. Once they have gained some good colour and char, place them on the Multi Level Grid above the fish to cook through.
Mix the slices of carrot, leek, asparagus and fennel with 150ml rapeseed oil, burp your EGG and grill the vegetables in batches. Pay attention: we want caramelisation and charred bits on all veg but we don’t want it to be cooked all the way through – we want some snap and bite in our slaw. Once each batch is done, put aside in a flat roasting tray.
After the fish has been cooking for 15 minutes, burp the EGG and open the sparkling wine. With your thumb over the top, shake the bottle so that it sprays the fish with a fine mist of wine. This will not just make the fish ultra-moist, it will provide extra sweetnes and acidity. Close the dome and cook for a further 10 minutes or so

One the grilled vegetables for the slaw are cool enough to handle, use your good knife to slice them into long but chunky ribbons.
Mix in the mayo with the vegetables. How much? This is about personal taste – a lot of mayo if you want a more traditional slaw, or just a little if you want to let the smokiness of the charred vegetables come through.
The potatoes are done when they’re soft to touch but break apart with that wonderful waxy texture. Remove from the EGG, add the butter and season with salt and pepper. Mix until the butter has melted, then serve.
When the sea bass reaches an internal temperature of 62°C, remove it with a wide spatula onto a serving board or platter. Portion in front of your guests at the table with a glass of the bubbles.