For the beef
A whole chuck is going to have a good amount of fat. Don’t be alarmed. This is good fat that'll break down slowly and infuse the whole dish with softness and flavour. Unlike brisket and flank, we want this meat to break down and pull. We'll get this with a higher temperature, by cooking indirect, and by tightly wrapping it after its long cook so it can rest and finish.

Prepping the chuck is next to no work. All you'll need to do is trim away the larger pieces of fat and any tough sinew. The bigger the piece of meat, the bigger the flavour. Always ask for dry-aged as, let’s face it, it’s way better.
Simple Texas rub
This part's easy. Just give the chuck a good smother in Dijon mustard, mix your salt and pepper together, and dust the meat.
Set up your EGG
Set up for indirect cooking at 160˚C. Once you're happy, place on your Hickory Smoking Chunks.
Cooking the chuck
Cook your chuck indirect for six hours, then wrap in pink butcher paper to rest for a further three. Yes, three. Don't be tempted to skimp on the resting time; it's crucial!
Once your three long hours are up, it should pull effortlessly... try not to eat it all!
For the naan (make the dough the day before)
Place all dry ingredients into a bowl along with the beef fat. Mix in the water and make a well in the centre of this wet mixture. Pour the yoghurt into the well and start to bring in and pull back for kneading. Do this for a good 20 minutes and really work the dough. Prove overnight and knock it back in the morning. If you're short on time, you can leave it in a warm place for a few hours instead.
To cook, set your EGG up for direct heat, and get things really hot — around 350˚C. Place a Baking Stone into the EGG. Roll out your naan about 2mm thick, making sure any excess flour is off, and place on the stone. It should take literally seconds to cook. Don't flip them! Just whip them off, and brush with your tendered fat at a tepid temperature.
For the chimichurri
Use a food processor, or for a more rustic finish (no bad thing here) use a knife.
Wash your herbs. If you’re using a knife, chop them all up super fine and use a pestle and mortar with the oil and lime until it makes a paste. If you're using a machine, simply whizz them all up.

For the pickle
Pickling is so easy and forgiving; the longer you leave the better it gets.
Get everything apart from the dill and bring to the boil. Let it sit on a rolling boil for 10 mins and take off the heat. Chuck in the dill and let it sit for a good hour.
Pass it off and let it cool, make sure your veg is all cut evenly. We love using fennel and some young cucumbers. You can use anything you like: beets, carrots, celery — whatever you fancy.
Combine everything together, and enjoy!