This is a classic French tarte tartin, but made with pears instead of the usual apple. The buttery toffee notes and wafer thin crispy pastry make this seem harder to make than it really is so it's perfect for impressing guests! Depending on how many people you have coming over, it's easy to double or triple the recipe too.

Place the sugar, brandy, cinnamon stick, and star anise into a non-stick pan.
Place into EGG at 180-200°C, on a Stainless Steel Grid. Don't stir!
Leave until caramel begins to colour. Remove the caramel and prepare your EGG for baking. Place your ConvEGGtor in, legs facing down.

Add a ConvEGGtor to your EGG, in the legs-up position with Stainless Steel Grid on top and allow it to get back to 200°C.
Meanwhile, arrange your pears in the pan and dot with pieces of butter.
When the EGG is ready, cover the pears with pastry and tuck in at the sides.
Make two small holes in the pastry and place into the EGG. Leave until pastry is golden and bubbling around the edges, this should take around 20 minutes.
Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.