This recipe could hardly be simpler – a beautiful piece of lamb left to turn on a spit directly above the coals, then served with a wintery twist on a classic salsa verde. The window in which lamb leg goes from perfectly pink to slightly overdone is a small one, so it’s even more important than usual that you cook to temperature rather than time. Aim for an internal temperature of 50˚C for medium rare.
Set up your EGG
Set up your EGG for direct rotisserie cooking, with the Rotisserie ring in place and the motor unit plugged in. The target temperature is 180˚C-200˚C.
Prepare your lamb to fit onto the spit. Remove the top fork from the spit. Following a line parallel to the bone, push the spit into the thickest part of the meat and thread it down to the bottom fork. Return the top fork to the spit and push it into the lamb. Make sure the lamb is in the centre of the spit so it can turn in the rotation grooves. Tighten both wing screws.

Spit roast your lamb
Stab small holes evenly around the leg of lamb and stuff them with rosemary and whole garlic cloves.
Open the Dome, insert the spit into the motor and switch on the Rotisserie. As it rotates, drizzle olive oil and sea salt all over the lamb. Close the Dome. The lamb should take 25 minutes per 500g to reach an internal temperature of 50˚C.

Make the salsa verde
Meanwhile, add all of the salsa verde ingredients a bowl and mix well. Add olive oil until your desired consistency is achieved.
Remove the lamb from the rotisserie once cooked. Wrap in foil and rest for around 15-20 minutes.
Slice the lamb and drizzle over a good amount of the salsa verde. Serve with your choice of sides or salads. We recommend roast potatoes and seasonal greens.